Jana Stojanovska - Miss Macedonia 2007
5:23 PM | 11 comments | 2007, bikini, brown, Jana Stojanovska, Macedonia, miss, Miss Macedonia, Miss World, model, Skopje
Photo of Jana Stojanovska...

Babe's info: Miss Macedonia 2007, model, student at the faculty of Drama & Arts
Enjoys in: travel, singing (she was a lead vocalist in a girl's punk-rock band), playing piano, listening to most types of music, composing, writing poetry, acting, astrology, cynology, cooking and dog training
Sporting interests: horse jumping, swimming, fencing, and all forms of dance from modern to folk
Wants to: become a world famous actress and singer
Also named: Jana Stojanoska, Јана Стојановска, Јана Стојаноска
Source: photo - N/A, info - Miss World website
Author: photo - N/A
Lijepi pozdrav i hvala na tragu. Lijepa Jana.
super photography,
good,is there any more photos coming in the near future.
your site is marvellous......
no morewords to say.......
keep it up
man since the girls are macedonians why do they have slavik and not greek names? Is there another macedonia in russia? I am confused... They are hot though.
@ Anonymous 1: Greetings to you, too!
@ Moni: Thanks for the kind words.
Yes, there are coming more photos of Macedonian girls in the future.
Visit us again.
@ Anonymous 2: This website is dedicated to the girls of Republic of Macedonia.
However, at this place we don't talk about politics (present Macedonia, ancient Macedonia...), but we praise the women's beauty.
Jesi li za izmenu linkova?
Moj blog je na adresi Celebrities Stars.
Ako te interesuje javi mi se komentarom na mom blogu.
Pozdrav, Zoran.
@ Goldmoney:
OK, ajde da razmenimo linkove. ;)
Evo bas sam dodao tvoj blog.
Very nice blog!
These women are beautiful.
It is wonderful to see other countries, and other models.
Jana e prekrasna..
pozdrav.. :):*
ne sum znaela deka bila mis makedonija
Edna od mojte omileni mis na makedonija !!